“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name…”
It is with those words, that the Lord Jesus Christ responded when he was asked the simple question “Teach us to pray.” Even in this morally bankrupt society, most people recognize what has become known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” This title ascribes to Him ownership, or if you prefer authorship of that prayer. Enter the Ebenezer Lutheran Church of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)(www.herchurch.org). Located in the city that has given us so much in the past half-century to be so very proud of, San Francisco, Ebenezer Lutheran, its pastor Stacy Boorn, and the staff of what they call “Her Church Lutheran” along with their
Rev Stacy Boorn has for more than 22 years been a Lutheran pastor in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Located in San Francisco, California, Ms. Boorn and her staff teach a feminist gospel that features among other things, spiritual dance, a goddess rosary, statues of ‘The goddess’, openly homosexual pastoral staff members, the revision of The Lord’s Prayer, and the elimination of all reference to the masculine gender of God. |
Feminist congregation has gone so far in their desire to live in a matriarchal society that they have re-written the Lord’s Prayer to eliminate God’s gender. When doing this they eliminate “Our Father, who art in Heaven” replacing it with “Our Mother who is within us”. Further, the next line of the prayer, “Hallowed be Thy name” is replaced with the words “We celebrate your many names.” While I do not plan to go line by line in comparing the real prayer with the counterfeit, I believe that the first two lines give you the idea. Ms. Boorn is preaching about and praying to a goddess. Martin Luther would cringe in his boots, not to mention what God thinks what with that whole First Commandment (Thou shalt have no other Gods before me) thing going. Call me crazy, but since the Lord Jesus authored the prayer, hence the name the Lord’s Prayer, and the fact that He is one with the FATHER, “I and my Father are one.” John 10:30, how can one claim to have the spiritual go-ahead to revise something that is not of their authorship which they have no right or divine authority to change.
Jesus Christ and the Father are one, as stated above. This should be basis enough to prove that God is not gender neutral much less female. In the very first part of the Gospel of John, Jesus, referred to as The Word, is identified AS GOD. No grey area there and not a goddess anywhere to be found. When Jesus was a baby, He was circumcised, yet another indicator that there is no gender neutrality or female divinity present. When Jesus came up out of the water, a dove descended from Heaven and lighted upon Him. This was followed by a voice from Heaven, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” No doubt had this been a female voice, the scripture would say so. During creation, God said “Let us make MAN in our image and after our likeness.” Just a few verses later, God caused Adam to fall asleep and took a rib from Adam’s body and made a person that Adam called a Woman. Adam, made in the likeness of God was a man. Woman was made from man (Genesis 2:21-24) and was commanded to “Be in submission to her own husband, AS UNTO THE LORD” (Eph 5:22-24, Col 3:18). This command is followed by the more difficult, Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. It is my contention that IF a husband will love his wife to the extent that is in the Bible, that the wife will gladly submit, and that the children, who are commanded to obey your parents, will gladly obey. The command here is to the Husbands and upon them is the responsibility of the family placed. No one that truly loves as Christ did could ever do anything to hurt his wife. Is the Bible patriarchal? You bet it is. But then, so is God.
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