Today is primary election day here in North Carolina. Dutifully my wife and I packed my mother, who is disabled and can not drive, into the car and we went down to the Board of Elections in our county so that we could vote early. While we were there, I noticed something funny; there were voting instructions in Spanish. Why, you may ask did this strike me as odd? Well, the answer is this. ONLY an American Citizen can vote, and in order to become a Naturalized American Citizen, the applicant, with rare exception must take the Naturalization test IN ENGLISH. SO…Given that the test is in English and the person that takes the test can not have a translator present, then one should naturally assume that a US Citizen is literate enough to understand a Citizenship/Naturalization test then logically he or she should be able to understand a simple Voting Ballot, (Although in 2000 thousands of Florida Democrats demonstrated that while they were literate enough to read the ballot they were not intelligent enough to do so.)
Why then are there Voting Instructions in Spanish? Could it possibly be that it is to encourage individuals who are not citizens to go in and vote? The answer to that is a clear as the nose on your face. Could it possibly be, and I am just guessing here, that the same politicians that are opposing the crack down on illegal immigrants also support and have rammed through rulings that force non-English language voting instructions at polling places. Let’s put it right where the rubber meets the road. The Left wing in this nation wants illegal immigrants to vote, because it is felt that they will vote left wing. No matter that they are not allowed to vote by law, no matter that they are here illegally, no matter that they are straining the public service agencies, and they are contributing to a growing unemployment rate. Say whatever you want to, but if there were not literally millions of Illegal’s here, then the jobs that they take now could be done by those now unemployed.
As a nation, we have very rarely had what we have now. This nation is split into two camps, Conservative and Liberal, with the Liberals now, and hopefully not for much longer, in control. The Liberals want huge central government setup along Socialist lines. In opposition to this headlong dive toward a Socialist Utopia, Liberals fail to see that their programs do not work. Social welfare programs do not work. The reason that they do not work is so simple that it eludes those that push for it. You can not, no matter how hard you try, reform people that do not want to reform or change a person that does not want to change. Since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” the left in this nation have found materialization in the Democratic Party. Now nearly a half century since the United States started the largest and most complicated system of socialist programs designed to help those in the lower levels of American Society, those programs have turned out to be incredibly expensive failures. The illegitimate birthrate among those on assistance is at an all time high. Einstein said once that insanity was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. The best embodiment of this quite simply is this. Woman #1 has her first child at 15, and because of the things that go along with pregnancy, and bringing up a child, the mother is forced to go on welfare, the woman has 5 more children, with several men, none of which pay her support much less takes responsibility for what he has done. Her Daughter, seeing what her mother has gone through, does not learn from this and has her first, also illegitimate, child at 15, and now knows the system, so off to the Welfare office for her Check. Woman #2, the daughter raises her kid and collects her check for not only for her daughter, Woman #3, but also 4 more children that we the taxpayer are forced to provide for. Now at 14 Woman #3 has a baby….see where this is going. Welfare is now a career for many…too many...and it must be stopped but how?
Generational Welfare is destroying the United States. It also infantilizes those it would claim to help. To illustrate this, picture an infant that the mother never pulls the nipple away from. This prevents the child from having to chew solid foods. The Generational Welfare recipient is that baby that never grows up, and sometimes it takes tough love to make the baby become an adult.
How to End the Welfare State:
1) No one that is on Welfare and does not actually pay into the system should be allowed to vote. If you live on the public Teat, you should not be allowed to elect politicians that will let you continue to live on the public teat.
2) No one should get back more money than they paid into the system on an income tax return. Through Earned Income Credit, it is very true that the welfare recipient can get back several thousand dollars in the form of a tax refund while they actually paid nothing in in the first place.
3) STOP rewarding bad behavior. If a person already on Welfare gets pregnant again while on welfare, there should be no increase in benefits. NONE. No grey area here.
4) Make Welfare recipients DO SOMETHING to earn that money. Empty bedpans at the hospital; pick up trash on the road….anything but sitting at home watching TV and getting more obese. This provision is not for that person that got laid off and is actively seeking a new job; this is for the Generational recipient that has made a living by breeding kids that they can not feed.
5) Find the FATHERS of the children that Welfare is paid on the behalf of and make them do something to support the children that they fathered. It should not be optional. If they still do not make it right, incarcerate them. At least in jail they can father no more children that they take no responsibility for.
Will these measures fix all the problems, obviously not. HOWEVER we as a nation have to put “Political Correctness” aside, call it for what it is and step up to support fixing the system before those of us that input into the system are outnumbered by those that leach off of it.
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