1. I believe in God.
I don’t know, nor do I really care where God came from. I don’t really think that is important, it is only important to believe that He is real and that He is there, and those that are stuck on trying to figure out the origins of God really need something better to occupy their time because they will never figure it out.
2. I believe God Created the Universe.
Since no one was here when it was done, no one knows for sure how it happened. This means that it all boils down to faith. Faith in either a God with a divine plan and well ordered act of creation resulting in the delicate balance of the universe as we see it, or that it all happened by accident. In order to believe that the Theory of Evolution is true, one would have to believe that a humungous dust cloud (which no one can explain the origin of) was swirling about came together, exploded and voila, the universe. Add to this that all the life forms on this planet and who knows how many others just managed to “Pop” into existence. It seems that since BOTH Creationism and Evolution take FAITH on the part of their believers, Evolution takes far more faith and willingness to accept the unexplainable, than does a belief in God.
3. I believe that the Bible is true, and the Protestant Gospel is correct.
I know, this is not a popular position, but I don’t care. I believe it. Let us say for example that there were two men, one was a Christian (Who lived according to the Bible and it’s teachings, as opposed to a “Christian”, in name only) and the other an atheist. At death if the Christian is wrong, what has he lost? He will be remembered as a good man, a good father and husband, a man that helped his neighbors, was a good friend and was honest, dependable and loyal. But on the other hand, if the atheist is wrong, he gets to spend eternity in Hell. The only thing that a Christian misses out on in this equation are things like alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, ETC., all things that can exact a terrible toll on the mind and body.
4. I believe Ronald Reagan was a Great man.
Mr. Reagan ruled from the heart, restored hope to the average American that our nation was the greatest on Earth, and defeated the Soviet Union, ending the Cold War, without it ever having turned Hot. The Nuclear War so feared did not happen, due in large part to the wise, effective leadership of Ronald W. Reagan. He guided the United States through one of the greatest periods of our national history.
5. I believe in the United States Constitution.
I have read this great document several times and think that next to the Bible it may well be the greatest thing ever put on paper by man. The Founding Fathers of our nation demonstrated great forethought in its writing, construction and precepts. It does not need adding to, or taking away from. The only problem to arise from the Constitution is not the Constitution itself, but rather the interpretation. Read it and take it at face value. Don’t try to figure out what the writers were trying to say, read and understand what they did say. This is much less confusing and, while not popular with political liberals, much more accurate. Too many things are now considered a “Constitutional Right” that are never addressed in the document.
6. I believe in the “Right to Keep and Bare Arms.”
This is the most essential of the rights in the Bill of Rights. The right to arm ones self for self-protection ensures that the others cannot be taken away. You cannot tell an armed man that he cannot Pray, or speak his mind or anything else for that matter. It was for this reason, to avoid a tyrannical regime in the United States that the founders let us be an armed citizenry, because Tyrants hate armed citizens that can say no, and have the firepower to enforce the saying of “NO.” Blaming guns for violence is like blaming pencils for misspelled words, or spoons for Rosie O’Donnell’s weight.
7. I believe that the Federal Government is only responsible for Five Things.
The Preamble to the Constitution states that the Federal Government is responsible for: Establishment of Justice, Ensuring Domestic Tranquility, Provide for the Common Defense, Promote the General Welfare, and Securing the Blessings of Liberty. That’s it, those five things. Nowhere does it say that the Federal Government is responsible for 99% of the things that the Federal Government does today. However the Constitution DOES say that All Powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are “Reserved to the Several States.” I think that the people in Texas know how to run Texas better than the people in Washington, and think that the majority of the people in Washington are not really fit to run a Latrine Detail of Army Privates. One only has to look at the situation that we find ourselves in to realize that Barney Frank, who now is running about talking about how it is all the fault of the Republicans that Freddie and Fannie failed, forgetting, as has the mainstream media that; One, Barney Frank was one of the politicians that got the most in campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie, and Two, not 6 months prior to the housing crash Barney Frank stood up and expounded upon the solvency and success rate of Freddie and Fannie. At worst, Mr. Frank was blatantly lying to the American People, or at best Mr. Frank is an idiot. Most likely, it is a combination of both; he is a lying idiot, which is where my money is.
8. I believe that the World War Two Generation is the Greatest Generation of Americans and at the same time are to blame for the condition of this country right now.
This dichotomy is not contradictory. The generation that fought and won the Second World War and propelled the United States to superpower status, fueled the drive that put a man on the moon and developed the technology that has led to the nearly universal instantaneous transmission of information and communications, and thousands of other advancements and accomplishments, is also responsible for siring and raising a generation of children that at their very core detest everything that their parents are or were. The Children of the Greatest Generation became the Berkley Hippies, the Yippies, the Free Love war protesters. They ran headlong into the embrace of Marxism and Leninism. Today’s virulent Socialist was yesterday’s college student. Today they are the Hillary Clintons and the Barak Obamas that are destroying traditional America. Yes, the Greatest Generation gave us so much to be grateful for, but they also gave us a generation of spoiled brat kids that now run this country from a play book that was developed in the USSR. Had the parents turned them over the knee, stopped paying the tuition to Communist leaning universities, then today our nation might not be led by leftist socialists.
9. I believe that contrary to popular belief, a college degree does not make you smarter than anyone else.
As much as the youth of today may protest it, the fact that they are in college does not mean that they have the wisdom needed to do…anything. Professors get their students all worked up over some topic or cause and releases these half trained activists on the public. These half trained, half educated, half wits go and chain themselves to trees or picket lines in protest of things that they have no idea about. I am genuinely convinced that war protesters really are not motivated by a desire for peace as much as it is a fear that they themselves might possibly have to go or make some type of sacrifice themselves. Bill Clinton was not against the Vietnam War in either thought or principle. Bill Clinton was against the Vietnam War because he was afraid that he might have to go and incidentally Mr. Clinton lied and cheated his way out of being drafted. Is it any wonder the young Mr. Clinton who lied and cheated his way out of going to Vietnam turned into an older Mr. Clinton that sat in front of the entire American Nation, wagged his finger in our faces and then committed perjury? He was raised with no honor and never found his way to having any.
10. I believe that Celebrities should shut up about their causes.
Hollywood actors and actresses should stop “Embracing” causes and getting on TV telling other people how to live. No one, just by virtue of their celebrity is all that wise and knowing. Playing a hero or genius does not make you one; any more than playing a piano makes you a Steinway. As an example, Tom Cruise has embraced Scientology. He honestly believes that the religion started by a science fiction writer, that if you read a list of the beliefs is most closely related to a bad Star Trek episode is the universal truth. Singing at farm aid did not make them farmers, and Martin Sheen playing the president did not make him an expert on foreign affairs. Whether it is political endorsements or trying to get everyone to vacate their position at the top of the Food Chain, Hollywood celebrities love to speak out for causes. All this from people that are in and out of rehab, in and out of divorce court, and in and out of the tabloids. How stupid is the average American to listen to these basket cases as they give advice about everything from what shoe to buy to whom you should vote for in a presidential election? Obviously, very stupid indeed, because Hollywood fell down at the feet of Barak Obama, and too many Americans did too.
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