07 December 2007

Am I really the "Uber Conservative" or just really pissed off?

I have been told that as I get older, I have become more conservative than I ever was before. I have always been right-wing conservative, but I suppose that I am so far on the right now that I make Jesse Helms look like a Clinton fan. So I decided to write my humble opinion on a few subjects, in brief, just to see if I am really the “Uber-Conservative” or just a guy that is pissed off at the world.

- I think that National Public Radio is too liberal. I have never heard anything on NPR that did not make me think… “God, they spend our tax dollars for this? How is it right to spend taxpayer funds to forward this liberal agenda?”

- Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton really piss me off. It seems that they come out of the woodwork every time that there is a chance to stir the crap-bucket, and of course, get more money in donations, thus embarking on yet a fourth decade of very profitable unemployment.

- I think it should be legal to use whatever force is necessary to turn off the stereo in the car that pulls up next to you thumping so loud it makes your windows, and teeth rattle. If that guy wants to be so nice as to share his music with me, I really think I should be able to share my ammunition with him.

- While talking about Rap Music…Stop blaming the rest of society for how screwed up things are in “the Projects.” A housing project is nothing more than a collection of buildings. Therefore the people in it make it screwed up.

- People on Welfare should not be allowed to vote. If you live on the “Public Teat” you should not be allowed to assist in the election of politicians that will perpetuate the welfare state, thus allowing you to continue to live on the dole.

- I think that if you break the law, the cops should be able to use whatever force it takes to stop you.

- I own guns. I don’t think that everyone should own a gun. Some people have criminal records, and should not have a gun. Other people are just too damn stupid to have a slingshot, much less an AR15.

- I really hate stupid people… ‘Nuff said.

- Hollywood actors should make movies, not take political stands. I find it annoying that a person that makes a multi-million dollar a movie salary would try to tell a person that lives from payday to payday how to think, act or live.

- I have noticed that most liberals are more elitist than conservatives. Liberals want to tell you how to live; conservatives just want you to live responsibly.

- We should link food exports to oil imports. Oil producing states that import food from the US should pay for it in oil. They can’t eat oil but we can use grain to make alcohol fuel. So let an empty belly argue with them about the cost of oil.

Stuff Rusty believes in

- I believe in God.

- I believe that God made the universe, it did not just happen and man did not evolve from apes, although alot of the inhabitants of this nation's major URBAN centers act as if they are missing links. I agree that the Constitution permits us as US CITIZENS to gather peacefully and protest for change. No where does it give permission for rioting, burning, and looting.

- How much intelligence does it take to see a video of some guy you don't know getting subdued by the Police, then to get all pissed off because of "Police Brutality" and then start a riot that ends up burning your own neighborhood down?

- I believe that people should be responsible for what they do.

- I believe that if Princess Dianna had NOT been having an affair with an Arab, she would be alive today.

- I believe that Muslims are the enemy. Even the "Friendly" Muslim countries hate us. I lived in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and saw it every day. We are Infidels to them. They flew planes into our skyscrapers. We should fly “Smart bombs” into their Mosques. There is no substitute for Victory.

- I believe that the Constitution does not address abortion, prayer in school, or privacy, and if the founding fathers could see how liberals have distorted it today they would puke.

- I believe that the Courts should not legislate, and the Congress should not dictate.

- I believe that the temporary insanity defense is abused.

- I believe that if you kill someone in the commission of a crime you should be hung, ropes can be reused and are only a buck a foot.

- I believe that a college degree does not make you smarter than anyone else.

- I believe that college professors that teach left wing ideas suck.

I think that…..

- Jessie Jackson and Bill Clinton are hypocritical Asses.

- Ted Kennedy has killed more innocent people with his car than I have with my AR15.

- College students should have to work for at least five years before they can take part in politics.

- A college degree does not make you enlightened, wise, or ready to change the world.

- Hillary Clinton is a closet Communist.

- Scientologists and Kabalists are real fruit loops.

- Michael Jackson is a child molester, and if he not been a celebrity he would be in jail right now.

- Rush Limbaugh is arrogant, and pompous, but usually correct.

- Joseph Stalin killed more innocent people than Hitler ever dreamed of killing, yet the really far left idolize Marxism.

- Labor unions have driven up the price of American made goods to the point that overhead costs to business owners have forced jobs to be outsourced overseas and affordable goods to be imported.

- Illegal immigrants should be rounded up and deported and welfare recipients should be made to do the jobs that now illegal immigrants perform.

- Homosexuality is not an alternate lifestyle it is just plain old perversion.

- Pedophiles should be hung, not put in a Psyche Ward for counseling.

- Republicans ARE the mainstream of those that have jobs and pay taxes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You rock!!! You say 99.9% of what I think and have a hard time to put into words. How many more of us are out there have the same opinion? Any guesses?