10 December 2007

The Thin Blue Line

The Thin Blue Line. A phrase you have all heard. It refers to Police Officers. But look beyond the line, beyond a Patrolman on the side of the highway that you hope does not pick up that extra ten miles per hour that you are trying to squeeze in there. Look beyond the ticket you got when the patrolman picked up that extra ten miles an hour. The men and women wearing that badge walk a thin line that few of us could walk.

We want them at our beck and call but no where around when we decide to bend a rule or two. We expect them to be mind readers, have perfect reasoning abilities, and to be paragons of virtue. They are expected to behave a cut above the public, enforce the law, and yet wink at our infraction with just a warning. What they are is something far different. They are, in fact just as human as you or me. They have families and homes, and bills to pay. They go to bed at night tired and mentally drained from a long day at work, just like we do. But there is one major difference. You and I don't run the risk that if we make the wrong call, if we give in to human emotion and react with a justifiable anger to having someone spit on us, if we try to help a man in need and it goes wrong, we don't run the risk of having some bystander video tape it and put it on the 6 o'clock news. We don't run the risk of having our families threatened if someone finds out where we live. We don't take our lives into our own or someone else's hands every time we go to work.

Recently, here in Charlotte, North Carolina, two of our finest, two of our bravest, were gunned down in cold blood. What made it far worse, is that they were killed while responding to a Domestic Disturbance. They were tying to defend someone else, someone that was too weak to defend themselves

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officers Sean Clark and Jeff Shelton were gunned down by a repeat offender that should never have been on the streets in the first place. These two fine Police Officers and MEN, for make no mistake about it, Sean Clark and Jeff Shelton were in all respects Men. There is a difference between a Male and a Man. A Male is a human that is not female, normally differentiated anatomically by the presence of a male organ and the absence of mammary glands. Maleness is imparted at birth. A Man is a male that lives by a Code of Honor, He is one that places the welfare of others ahead of his own. In my 24 years in the US Army I have known and served with MEN. Yes, Clark and Shelton were MEN. They stood in the breach, They defended others from the scum of the Earth that would seek to victimize the weak. They were killed by such a male. Demetrius Montgomery, the accused killer, had numerous previous arrests for resisting arrest and one for assault on a Police Officer. The scenario played out like this. According to the prosecution, the two officers were returning to their vehicles after settling a Domestic Dispute in one of Charlotte's "Projects". Montgomery ALLEGEDLY walked up to the two officers, engaged them in conversation, and as they walked past him, he pulled a gun and shot both of the Officers in the back of the head. He ambushed two MEN and killed them for no reason. What a waste. What a crying shame that Demetrius Montgomery was even out on the street in the first place.

To further the outrage, Susan Burgess, Charlotte City Council and Mayor Pro-Tem, asked the question "How did we as a Community, fail him?" in reference to Demetrius Montgomery. How indeed, Susan. How indeed. Let's see Ms. Burgess, this community, likely as not provided

Demetrius Montgomery with everything. Subsidized housing, medical care, and a free education. If his family was poor, he got a free breakfast and a free lunch. How much more, Ms. Burgess could this community have given to poor little Demetrius. You, and your liberal left buddies might not be able to answer this question. But I can. IF he is, in fact guilty of this crime, which he has yet to be convicted of, but it is likely that he will be, if he is convicted he gave back to the community that had provided so much for him several things. He gave back, in killing Jeff Shelton, a young Widow and in killing Sean Clark, a young Widow and two children, one of which was not even born when it's father was murdered. Two Widows that have no husbands, and two children that will never know their father. Susan, Demetrius Montgomery returned evil for good, and proved that the forced altruism, shoved down the throats of Americans with every Welfare Check written, has done nothing but breed a generation that thinks they are owed. Well, Susan, we owe Demetrius Montgomery one more thing. A Needle in his arm.

09 December 2007

A Compairison of recent Presidents

I wrote this in early 2005 before I got out of the US Army. I think it is still relevant

It seems that all we hear right now is that there is a split in the Republican Party. I would hasten to remind you all that the ONLY times in recent memory that the Democrats have won control is when they can SPLIT the Conservative base. Wander with me on a stroll down Memory Lane, as we remember those Heady days of yesteryear. Presidents and his major accomplishments since I have been converting air, food, and water intro materials returned to the earth.

John F. Kennedy: Got us involved in Vietnam, Balked on Cuba, removed US Missiles from Greece and Turkey in exchange for ending the Cuban crisis while NEVER verifying that the USSR actually got the missiles out of Cuba.

Lyndon B. Johnson: Got us bogged down in Vietnam with NO exit strategy. Started the Great Society Welfare State. Started Affirmative Action. No socially redeeming qualities...always showing his scar.

Richard M. Nixon: Got us OUT of Vietnam, Started Detente, Started negotiations with China, Lowered Inflation, Lowered Unemployment, Started All-Volunteer Military, Resigned over covert operations to recover the STOLEN Pentagon papers from the office of Daniel Ellsberg's Psychologist, after either Ellsberg or the shrink leaked them to the press. Endured the first Nationally televised Democrat witch hunt. Resigned to avoid the scandal of impeachment.

Gerald R. Ford: Pardoned Nixon, reduced inflation to single digit for the first time since the end of World War Two. Served less than one full term. Not much time to do anything.

James E. "Jimmy" Carter: First President to be sworn in using a nickname. Military reduced to hollow force. Championed SALT 2 treaty, Gave back the Panama Canal, Canceled the B-1 bomber. Inflation jumps to 13%. United States media begin to track the "Misery Index," Interest rates hit 20%; welcomes the Shah of Iran does nothing when Iranian militants overrun the US Embassy in Iran and take US citizens hostage. US Military incapable of pulling off coordinated rescue mission. Generally considered to be the Worst Modern US President. Policies cause the Arab Oil Embargo, and gas lines. Served 4 years, screwed up the country worse in 4 years than was humanly conceivable.

Ronald W. Reagan: Recently selected Most influential American in History. Returned US Military to place of prominence in the world. Reduced inflation to single digits again. Got US hostages in Iran released. Shepherded in the largest economic boom in US History. Credited with Winning the Cold War. Defeated Communism. Democrats tried to destroy his presidency with Iran/Contra but had no evidence.

George H.W. Bush: Maintained Reagan Economic Growth. Won the Gulf War and Invasion of Panama. Saw the final collapse of the USSR. Defeated by a SPLIT in the Republican Party caused by business rival H. Ross Perot.

William J. "Bill" Clinton: Administration marked by highest level of corruption since the turn of the 20th Century. Sold Pardons, turned blind eye to terrorist threat after attack on the US in 1993. Appointed his wife to start a socialized medical program which fails miserably. First US President to be disbarred as a lawyer. Listed on register as a known sex offender. Clinton economic recovery ends in a bubble in the market ushering in largest recession since end of World War Two. Under his leadership US guidance systems for nuclear missiles end up in Communist China, concurrent with Communist China making donation to the Democratic National Committee. Used US Troop Movements to cover his moral lapses. Used the term "Mistakes were made" more than any president in US History. Trashed the white house when he left. Appointed more incompetent people than any president since Carter. Thought Josclyn Elders, Ruth Ginsberg and Henry Cisneros were good choices. Turned the Oval Office into the Oral Office. Brother Roger the felon, and brother in law Hugh "Jabba the Hut" Roddam profit from his eleventh hour Pardon Bonanza, as does the DNC and the Clinton Library, and Marc Ritch. Got the US Military involved for a 6 month peacekeeping/stabilization mission in the Balkans. US troops have been there over 10 years. Gave order to bomb an aspirin and a baby food factory thinking that there were weapons of mass destruction. Bombed the Chinese Embassy, replied that mistakes were made, Passes North American Free trade agreement, sending jobs to Mexico. Passed Assault rifle ban and witnessed trial litigation rise to highest level in history.

George W. Bush: Gave tax relief to average US Citizens, spurring economic recovery. Ushered in period of controlled economic growth. Education program requires teachers to be certified. Responded to the worst attack on the US since Pearl Harbor and first attack on the Continental US since the War of 1812 with the invasion and liberation of both Afghanistan and Iraq. Established the first representative democracies in history in the middle east. Surrounded himself with smart people. Administration has been the focus of Democratic witch hunts since his election in 2000. Gave contracts to Halliburton, after realizing that Halliburton was the only company equipped to do the job. Took action rather than giving a reaction. Has had to endure the ridicule of a Congress that has an even lower approval rate than any President in History. Scrutinized worse than any wartime president in United States History.

Since 1960, periods of Republican administrations are marked by Strength, and Stability. Democrats are plagued by incompetence and corruption. In my honest and humble opinion, there has NEVER been a Democrat, not even the esteemed Franklin Roosevelt, that was worth being a Dog Catcher. Democrats favor Big Government and Government Control. Political Correctness, Gay Rights, and gun control. Think of it this way. IF you want Socialism, vote for Democrats, and bring in an Orwellian society as in 1984....and Love Big Brother.


Vote Republican, although they don't always follow the extreme Right Wing, where my chair is, but keep the Second Amendment, at the worst a moderate Court rather than a legislative court.

I can go to church where I want, and to answer Ronald Reagan's question, Yes, I am better off. We are better off with Republicans.

08 December 2007

7 PointsThat are NOT Open to Debate

1. I believe in God. I don’t know, nor do I really care where God came from. I don’t really think that is important, it is only important to believe that He is real and that He is there, and those that are stuck on trying to figure out the origins of God really need something better to occupy their time because they will never figure it out.

2. I believe God Created the Universe. Since no one was here when it was done, no one knows for sure how it happened. This means that it all boils down to faith. Faith in either a God with a divine plan and well ordered act of creation resulting in the delicate balance of the universe as we see it, or that it all happened by accident. In order to believe that the Theory of Evolution is true, one would have to believe that a humongous dust cloud (which no one can explain the origin of) was swirling about came together, exploded and voila, the universe. Add to this that all the life forms on this planet and who know how many others just managed to “Pop” into existence. It seems that since BOTH Creationism and Evolution take FAITH on the part of their believers, Evolution takes far more faith and willingness to accept the unexplainable, than does a belief in God.

3. I believe that the Bible is true, and the Protestant Gospel is correct. I know, this is not a popular position, but I don’t care. I believe it. Let us say for example that there were two men, one was a Christian (Who lived according to the Bible and it’s teachings, as opposed to a “Christian”, in name only) and the other an atheist. At death if the Christian is wrong, what has he lost? He will be remembered as a good man, a good father and husband, a man that helped his neighbors, was a good friend and was honest, dependable and loyal. But on the other hand, if the atheist is wrong, he gets to spend eternity in Hell. The only thing that a Christian misses out on in this equation are things like alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, ETC., all things that can exact a terrible toll on the mind and body.

4. I believe Ronald Reagan was a Great man. Mr. Reagan ruled from the heart, restored hope to the average American that our nation was the greatest on Earth, and defeated the Soviet Union, ending the Cold War, without it ever having turned Hot. The Nuclear War so feared did not happen, due in large part to the wise, effective leadership of Ronald W. Reagan. He guided the United States through one of the greatest periods of our national history.

5. I believe in the United States Constitution. I have read this great document several times and think that next to the Bible it may well be the greatest thing ever put on paper by man. The Founding Fathers of our nation demonstrated great forethought in its writing, construction and precepts. It does not need adding to, or taking away from. The only problem to arise from the Constitution is not the Constitution itself, but rather the interpretation. Read it and take it at face value. Don’t try to figure out what the writers were trying to say, read and understand what they did say. This is much less confusing and, while not popular with political liberals, much more accurate. Too many things are now considered a “Constitutional Right” that are never addressed in the document.

6. I believe in the “Right to Keep and Bare Arms. This is the most essential of the rights in the Bill of Rights. The right to arm ones self for self-protection ensures that the other rights cannot be taken away. You cannot tell an armed man that he cannot Pray, or speak his mind or anything else for that matter. It was for this reason, to avoid a tyrannical regime in the United States that the founders let us be an armed citizenry, because Tyrants hate armed citizens that can say no, and have the firepower to enforce the saying of “NO.”

7. I believe that the Federal Government is only responsible for Five Things. The Preamble to the Constitution states that the Federal Government is responsible for: Establishment of Justice, Ensuring Domestic Tranquility, Provide for the Common Defense, Promote the General Welfare, and Securing the Blessings of Liberty. That’s it, those five things. Nowhere does it say that the Federal Government is responsible for 99% of the things that the Federal Government does today. However the Constitution DOES say that All Powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are “Reserved to the Several States.” I think that the people in Texas know how to run Texas better than the people in Washington, and think that the majority of the people in Washington are not really fit to run a Latrine Detail of Army Privates. Please note that the Constitutions says that the Federal Government WILL PROVIDE for the Common Defense, BUT is only required to PROMOTE the General Welfare. This, quite plainly means The Government MUST provide and fund a Military and Law Enforcement, BUT is only required to foster an atmosphere where a person can achieve a state of General Welfare. If this standard is followed there is NO WELFARE STATE, and individuals are held to account for their own actions.

Another Original Rant


Northwest Airlines has admitted to giving passenger information to the Federal government for some type of security program right after the September 11 attack, and the Liberals and Democratic Party hacks are all up in arms about this "Invasion of Privacy" inflicted upon the air-traveling public in the name of National Security. In fact there are several class action lawsuits pending relevant to this issue. WOW....this just goes to prove that some Americans do not have the common sense that God above blessed the average Billy goat with. More to the point, some Liberals are as stupid as some Muslim Fundamentalists are dangerous. Even more dangerous than the aforementioned Muslim Extremists are those same stupid liberals that exercise some modicum of power and influence over those mindless sheep Americans that follow them.

Consider this: Did the gathering of information on air passengers PREVENT a repeat of the September 11 attacks? Further, could the gathering of such information PRIOR to September 11 have prevented the attacks? Would these same liberals stand on ground zero in New York and address the families of the Trade Center and say, "Well, sorry for your loss, but my privacy is worth more than your family members?" Would anyone say that Mohammed Atta's right to privacy was more important than it would have been to stop him from flying a jet into the World Trade Center?

Come on people, get a clue. The liberals DO NOT care about anyone or anything EXCEPT gaining political power to force the average person to have to endure the liberal agenda. An agenda that threatens our very way of life. This is just another example to the heights to which the liberal's stupidity can climb.

Can we not for once tell them NO? What would happen if the working folks in this country told Washington Liberals...NO? NO....We don't mind the ten Commandments on display.....NO we don't think a crucifix in urine is art....NO we don't think that two gay men are a family.....NO, no amount of your protesting and yelling will change our minds either, so just go home and shut up....NO we don't want any more of our tax money to be given to lazy people here in this country that refuse to work... NO we don't feel a sense of responsibility towards those that are less fortunate, as a result of the choice they made to smoke Crack or live in a bottle.

We can make a difference ....On election day. If we all vote AGAINST EVERY LIBERAL on the ballot....then we can send those individuals back under the rock from which they crawled out from under. I for one don't care if the FBI knows that I occasionally fly on an airplane. And neither should anyone else. Remember, if you are not guilty of anything you have little to fear......EXCEPT the liberal and his relentless assault on the Bill of Rights.

Free Speech MUST apply to everyone or it is secure for no one. The person praising Martin Luther King must be allowed to do so, and so must the person that Despises DR King. It is freedom...and it must apply to everyone.

07 December 2007

Am I really the "Uber Conservative" or just really pissed off?

I have been told that as I get older, I have become more conservative than I ever was before. I have always been right-wing conservative, but I suppose that I am so far on the right now that I make Jesse Helms look like a Clinton fan. So I decided to write my humble opinion on a few subjects, in brief, just to see if I am really the “Uber-Conservative” or just a guy that is pissed off at the world.

- I think that National Public Radio is too liberal. I have never heard anything on NPR that did not make me think… “God, they spend our tax dollars for this? How is it right to spend taxpayer funds to forward this liberal agenda?”

- Jessie Jackson & Al Sharpton really piss me off. It seems that they come out of the woodwork every time that there is a chance to stir the crap-bucket, and of course, get more money in donations, thus embarking on yet a fourth decade of very profitable unemployment.

- I think it should be legal to use whatever force is necessary to turn off the stereo in the car that pulls up next to you thumping so loud it makes your windows, and teeth rattle. If that guy wants to be so nice as to share his music with me, I really think I should be able to share my ammunition with him.

- While talking about Rap Music…Stop blaming the rest of society for how screwed up things are in “the Projects.” A housing project is nothing more than a collection of buildings. Therefore the people in it make it screwed up.

- People on Welfare should not be allowed to vote. If you live on the “Public Teat” you should not be allowed to assist in the election of politicians that will perpetuate the welfare state, thus allowing you to continue to live on the dole.

- I think that if you break the law, the cops should be able to use whatever force it takes to stop you.

- I own guns. I don’t think that everyone should own a gun. Some people have criminal records, and should not have a gun. Other people are just too damn stupid to have a slingshot, much less an AR15.

- I really hate stupid people… ‘Nuff said.

- Hollywood actors should make movies, not take political stands. I find it annoying that a person that makes a multi-million dollar a movie salary would try to tell a person that lives from payday to payday how to think, act or live.

- I have noticed that most liberals are more elitist than conservatives. Liberals want to tell you how to live; conservatives just want you to live responsibly.

- We should link food exports to oil imports. Oil producing states that import food from the US should pay for it in oil. They can’t eat oil but we can use grain to make alcohol fuel. So let an empty belly argue with them about the cost of oil.

Stuff Rusty believes in

- I believe in God.

- I believe that God made the universe, it did not just happen and man did not evolve from apes, although alot of the inhabitants of this nation's major URBAN centers act as if they are missing links. I agree that the Constitution permits us as US CITIZENS to gather peacefully and protest for change. No where does it give permission for rioting, burning, and looting.

- How much intelligence does it take to see a video of some guy you don't know getting subdued by the Police, then to get all pissed off because of "Police Brutality" and then start a riot that ends up burning your own neighborhood down?

- I believe that people should be responsible for what they do.

- I believe that if Princess Dianna had NOT been having an affair with an Arab, she would be alive today.

- I believe that Muslims are the enemy. Even the "Friendly" Muslim countries hate us. I lived in Saudi Arabia and Egypt and saw it every day. We are Infidels to them. They flew planes into our skyscrapers. We should fly “Smart bombs” into their Mosques. There is no substitute for Victory.

- I believe that the Constitution does not address abortion, prayer in school, or privacy, and if the founding fathers could see how liberals have distorted it today they would puke.

- I believe that the Courts should not legislate, and the Congress should not dictate.

- I believe that the temporary insanity defense is abused.

- I believe that if you kill someone in the commission of a crime you should be hung, ropes can be reused and are only a buck a foot.

- I believe that a college degree does not make you smarter than anyone else.

- I believe that college professors that teach left wing ideas suck.

I think that…..

- Jessie Jackson and Bill Clinton are hypocritical Asses.

- Ted Kennedy has killed more innocent people with his car than I have with my AR15.

- College students should have to work for at least five years before they can take part in politics.

- A college degree does not make you enlightened, wise, or ready to change the world.

- Hillary Clinton is a closet Communist.

- Scientologists and Kabalists are real fruit loops.

- Michael Jackson is a child molester, and if he not been a celebrity he would be in jail right now.

- Rush Limbaugh is arrogant, and pompous, but usually correct.

- Joseph Stalin killed more innocent people than Hitler ever dreamed of killing, yet the really far left idolize Marxism.

- Labor unions have driven up the price of American made goods to the point that overhead costs to business owners have forced jobs to be outsourced overseas and affordable goods to be imported.

- Illegal immigrants should be rounded up and deported and welfare recipients should be made to do the jobs that now illegal immigrants perform.

- Homosexuality is not an alternate lifestyle it is just plain old perversion.

- Pedophiles should be hung, not put in a Psyche Ward for counseling.

- Republicans ARE the mainstream of those that have jobs and pay taxes.