12 August 2010


    Only a complete tool would not see this as the symbolic victory for the bad guys. If this is allowed to happen, we lose...bottom line it would be tantamount to us pulling down the Stars and Stripes and running up the flag of the enemy. Having an Imam barking at the moon five times a day at ground zero would be like capturing the West Wall in Jerusalem and then playing Hitler's speeches. Anyone that can't see that obviously have never had any dealings with Muslims.

    When I was in Jerusalem the last time, Hamas detonated a bomb within eye range of my hotel. A school bus was the target. I watched for I have no idea how long as they took the bodies of Israeli children out of that wrecked bus. I can understand the targeting of military installations and formations. But to target children, to convince your own children to strap a bomb on their bodies and sacrifice themselves because some Imam say to do it...that in and of itself changes their entire culture in my eyes to that of target. We do not worship the same God. God the Father sent Jesus as Savior. Jesus said suffer the children and let them come to Him. Jesus, nor His Father would not demand the sacrifice of a Child in a Holy War. This alone proves that Allah is not the God of Heaven, but may well be the god of this world, that deceiver Satan. God forbid this nation to turn to Satan. God tells us the solution to this all. God tells us how to win, and how to fix the Nation..

II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."

    We do NOT need a National Revival, we Just need God's People...The People that Call God Father to repent. If we clean our own homes...IF each of us will repent, then God will Forgive America and indeed, Bless Us Again.

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