16 June 2010

PETA: Humanitarians or Hypocrites you be the Judge

We have all heard of PETA, the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. This organization goes all out to try to convert those of us that enjoy a good steak and like leather shoes, to the rank and file of the average Vegan. Just to clarify this, a Vegan is a person that does not in any way use animal products. These folks have talked some of the hottest hotties in Hollyweird to pose nude in advertising posters that flatly claim they would rather appear in their skin an animal skin. These people raid labs that conduct product testing on animals, and quite militantly oppose hunting, ranches and rodeo. They fight every day for the rights of animals, because obviously they can't fight for themselves.

Those of you that know me know that I am an avid hunter. I do in fact eat meat. Red meat, White meat, Dark meat, Light meat, beast, fish or fowl, I will hunt it, clean and dress it, cook it and eat. I do not hunt for trophies, I hunt for food. The other day I was reading an article that was talking about how it is morally wrong to fish. Then someone wrote a "What Would Jesus Do" article that basically extolled the virtues of Vegan ism by invoking the name of Jesus Christ, who by the way, cooked fish for his disciples, and ate mutton regularly. This gave me an idea (Imagine that).

I have been in contact with PETA making them the following deal: If PETA will come out as Pro-Life against Abortion (For certainly the life of an innocent Human baby is just as important as a puppy or kitten which came equipped by nature to defend themselves within just a few days of birth contrasted with a human baby which can do nothing but convert air water and milk into poop for years after birth.) The Puppy is more able to care for itself in just a few weeks after birth than a Human Baby, indeed than at least 13% of the US Population. If PETA will come out as Pro-Life, against Human abortion, then I will never hunt or fish again. I will stop wearing leather, and I will change my life totally. Hunter to Vegan all at once.

I did actually get someone on the phone at the PETA Headquarters located in that bastion of Weird, San Francisco. When I explained my deal to her, she was almost flabbergasted. Well, that is not what we do. We are not interested in that subject. These terse statements were told me that day on the phone. I did question her trying to confirm my suspicion that if PETA did come out as Pro-Life, their main source of support, the liberal left, would stop sending in the donations.

So I pose the above question PETA: Humanitarian or Hypocrites, to you. I have made up my mind. Until PETA becomes truly Pro-Life, I will continue to hunt and fish, wear leather, and eat meat. Small Game season opens here very soon. Many small fur bearing animals will end up in a pot of stew here...Only PETA can stop the blood letting, specifically by changing from Full blown Hypocrites to real humanitarians.



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