Today, General McChrystal either was fired or resigned because of unflattering remarks he made about the current “Administration” in Washington. While the “Distinguished Gentleman” has done not one thing in his entire life that I agree with, he is the person that holds the job right now. As a Soldier, the general should have known better. I am quite happy that I am retired, and no longer on active duty, because I could not serve under Obama.
The replacement named for General McChrystal is General David Petraeus. Most people have heard of him, but not everyone truly KNOWS him. I do. I had the honor of serving under General Petraeus while he was the Regimental Commander of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC. In my career I served under many officers some of whom even became Generals, but none left as big an impression upon me as David Petraeus. As a leader he could write the book. The easiest way to lose rank under his command was to not take care of your subordinates. He has a zero tolerance for those who would use their position or authority for personal gain. He is a Soldier and is devoted to his Country. Even more so, David Petraeus is devoted to his troops. As a Soldier I can say that I would have followed him anywhere, as a Citizen I am glad that he is in command of the troops defending me and as a Christian, I pray that God will guide the General’s way.
General Petraeus, you are in our prayers. May God see you through this day, and give you wisdom to lead those in your charge. Seek God’s guidance as you Soldier on today, and remember that there are lots of us out there that pray for you each day.
Until there is peace and man can make war no more, we rest secure in the knowledge that there are those who have taken our protection as a way of life. Until those who wish us harm do so no more, and they lay their arms down, stand fast Sir, steadfast and sure.