12 August 2010
When I was in Jerusalem the last time, Hamas detonated a bomb within eye range of my hotel. A school bus was the target. I watched for I have no idea how long as they took the bodies of Israeli children out of that wrecked bus. I can understand the targeting of military installations and formations. But to target children, to convince your own children to strap a bomb on their bodies and sacrifice themselves because some Imam say to do it...that in and of itself changes their entire culture in my eyes to that of target. We do not worship the same God. God the Father sent Jesus as Savior. Jesus said suffer the children and let them come to Him. Jesus, nor His Father would not demand the sacrifice of a Child in a Holy War. This alone proves that Allah is not the God of Heaven, but may well be the god of this world, that deceiver Satan. God forbid this nation to turn to Satan. God tells us the solution to this all. God tells us how to win, and how to fix the Nation..
II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
We do NOT need a National Revival, we Just need God's People...The People that Call God Father to repent. If we clean our own homes...IF each of us will repent, then God will Forgive America and indeed, Bless Us Again.
24 June 2010
General David Petraeus, Embodyment of the Honor Code

Today, General McChrystal either was fired or resigned because of unflattering remarks he made about the current “Administration” in Washington. While the “Distinguished Gentleman” has done not one thing in his entire life that I agree with, he is the person that holds the job right now. As a Soldier, the general should have known better. I am quite happy that I am retired, and no longer on active duty, because I could not serve under Obama.
The replacement named for General McChrystal is General David Petraeus. Most people have heard of him, but not everyone truly KNOWS him. I do. I had the honor of serving under General Petraeus while he was the Regimental Commander of the 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, NC. In my career I served under many officers some of whom even became Generals, but none left as big an impression upon me as David Petraeus. As a leader he could write the book. The easiest way to lose rank under his command was to not take care of your subordinates. He has a zero tolerance for those who would use their position or authority for personal gain. He is a Soldier and is devoted to his Country. Even more so, David Petraeus is devoted to his troops. As a Soldier I can say that I would have followed him anywhere, as a Citizen I am glad that he is in command of the troops defending me and as a Christian, I pray that God will guide the General’s way.
General Petraeus, you are in our prayers. May God see you through this day, and give you wisdom to lead those in your charge. Seek God’s guidance as you Soldier on today, and remember that there are lots of us out there that pray for you each day.
Until there is peace and man can make war no more, we rest secure in the knowledge that there are those who have taken our protection as a way of life. Until those who wish us harm do so no more, and they lay their arms down, stand fast Sir, steadfast and sure.
16 June 2010
PETA: Humanitarians or Hypocrites you be the Judge
Those of you that know me know that I am an avid hunter. I do in fact eat meat. Red meat, White meat, Dark meat, Light meat, beast, fish or fowl, I will hunt it, clean and dress it, cook it and eat. I do not hunt for trophies, I hunt for food. The other day I was reading an article that was talking about how it is morally wrong to fish. Then someone wrote a "What Would Jesus Do" article that basically extolled the virtues of Vegan ism by invoking the name of Jesus Christ, who by the way, cooked fish for his disciples, and ate mutton regularly. This gave me an idea (Imagine that).
I have been in contact with PETA making them the following deal: If PETA will come out as Pro-Life against Abortion (For certainly the life of an innocent Human baby is just as important as a puppy or kitten which came equipped by nature to defend themselves within just a few days of birth contrasted with a human baby which can do nothing but convert air water and milk into poop for years after birth.) The Puppy is more able to care for itself in just a few weeks after birth than a Human Baby, indeed than at least 13% of the US Population. If PETA will come out as Pro-Life, against Human abortion, then I will never hunt or fish again. I will stop wearing leather, and I will change my life totally. Hunter to Vegan all at once.
I did actually get someone on the phone at the PETA Headquarters located in that bastion of Weird, San Francisco. When I explained my deal to her, she was almost flabbergasted. Well, that is not what we do. We are not interested in that subject. These terse statements were told me that day on the phone. I did question her trying to confirm my suspicion that if PETA did come out as Pro-Life, their main source of support, the liberal left, would stop sending in the donations.
So I pose the above question PETA: Humanitarian or Hypocrites, to you. I have made up my mind. Until PETA becomes truly Pro-Life, I will continue to hunt and fish, wear leather, and eat meat. Small Game season opens here very soon. Many small fur bearing animals will end up in a pot of stew here...Only PETA can stop the blood letting, specifically by changing from Full blown Hypocrites to real humanitarians.
12 May 2010
It's Not My Fault
It never failed. Every time that I went home on leave, I was asked by at least one person "Why do you do it?" or "How long are you going to stay in?" What they were asking was how long and why was I still in the Army. After more than 20 years, it was humorous that people would still ask the question "So, are you going to make it a career?" Normally I would just tell them, "No, I am just hanging around in the Army until I figure out what I want to do when I grow up." That does not answer the question WHY though, so I sat down and thought about it.
When I was a boy, I would see pictures of soldiers. These black and white photos of young men serving during World War Two were not too different from pictures of young soldiers today. Two stick in my mind more clearly than any others. One was of a man, not much younger than a boy, maybe 19 years old, wearing the "Ike" jacket, hat cocked to the side and smile on his face. This man was my father. Another photo was of a young man that had just come out of combat. He was shirtless, pants muddy, steel helmet on his head, wearing leggings and carrying an M-1 rifle. I can guess from the photo that he had just returned from a patrol or some operation and was at last going to get some rest. Again he had on his face a jaunty smile. There was no Sergeant Major yelling that he needed to put a shirt on, no one seemed to care. He was happy, he was still alive. This man was Walter C. "Stubbs" Kerns, my father's lifelong best friend.
All the years that I was coming up, I saw these two men every day. I watched them age, and do so together as friends and neighbors. I watched them work together and grow crops, play golf twice a week with a group of older gentlemen, who by the way also served in that war. Some were Navy, serving on ships, others Army in Europe or the Pacific, and one would never let you forget he was a US Marine.
I can remember hearing them talk about the war, and what they had done. These were not the boastful stories so often heard when sitting at a bar, these were stories of the good times mostly, some not, but never boastful. In all these stories and in other ways you could feel the pride these men have. Pride of a job done well, and of a war that was won.
These men are heroes. Not one of them ever told of medals or awards, you won't find their names in a history book. No, there are no statues of them or roads named in their honor, but they are heroes nonetheless. Their generation fought the greatest war in the history of mankind, and in winning secured the freedom not only of this nation, but also of the entire world. Their youth was ripped from them by a war that they did not start, but they did finish. These men, and the women that served also, have been called the "Greatest Generation." To this sentiment, I agree. The folks that stayed home contributed to the war effort as well. There was rationing, bond drives, and "Rosie the Riveter." These Americans did not protest the war, they sacrificed to win it. They did not march in the streets, they worked for the victory. And I was raised by and around this "Greatest Generation." Both my Father and "Stubbs" have passed now, as have so many others, but their example is still standing tall for us to see.
Back to the original question of "Why did I serve?" I would have to answer it this way. I have a debt, as does every American alive today, to the men and women that have gone before in the uniform of the United States. We owe a debt that can never be repaid. We can only make payments on the interest. We owe it to these folks, as well as to the children today. I served, partly from a sense of duty my father instilled in me without even knowing it, and because it was the right thing to do. Each person that puts on a uniform, does so for different reasons. Yet they are all paying part of this debt.
So, to answer the question...I would have to reply, "It's not my fault I was raised by Heroes."
10 May 2010
I Believe...
1. I believe in God.
I don’t know, nor do I really care where God came from. I don’t really think that is important, it is only important to believe that He is real and that He is there, and those that are stuck on trying to figure out the origins of God really need something better to occupy their time because they will never figure it out.
2. I believe God Created the Universe.
Since no one was here when it was done, no one knows for sure how it happened. This means that it all boils down to faith. Faith in either a God with a divine plan and well ordered act of creation resulting in the delicate balance of the universe as we see it, or that it all happened by accident. In order to believe that the Theory of Evolution is true, one would have to believe that a humungous dust cloud (which no one can explain the origin of) was swirling about came together, exploded and voila, the universe. Add to this that all the life forms on this planet and who knows how many others just managed to “Pop” into existence. It seems that since BOTH Creationism and Evolution take FAITH on the part of their believers, Evolution takes far more faith and willingness to accept the unexplainable, than does a belief in God.
3. I believe that the Bible is true, and the Protestant Gospel is correct.
I know, this is not a popular position, but I don’t care. I believe it. Let us say for example that there were two men, one was a Christian (Who lived according to the Bible and it’s teachings, as opposed to a “Christian”, in name only) and the other an atheist. At death if the Christian is wrong, what has he lost? He will be remembered as a good man, a good father and husband, a man that helped his neighbors, was a good friend and was honest, dependable and loyal. But on the other hand, if the atheist is wrong, he gets to spend eternity in Hell. The only thing that a Christian misses out on in this equation are things like alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual promiscuity, ETC., all things that can exact a terrible toll on the mind and body.
4. I believe Ronald Reagan was a Great man.
Mr. Reagan ruled from the heart, restored hope to the average American that our nation was the greatest on Earth, and defeated the Soviet Union, ending the Cold War, without it ever having turned Hot. The Nuclear War so feared did not happen, due in large part to the wise, effective leadership of Ronald W. Reagan. He guided the United States through one of the greatest periods of our national history.
5. I believe in the United States Constitution.
I have read this great document several times and think that next to the Bible it may well be the greatest thing ever put on paper by man. The Founding Fathers of our nation demonstrated great forethought in its writing, construction and precepts. It does not need adding to, or taking away from. The only problem to arise from the Constitution is not the Constitution itself, but rather the interpretation. Read it and take it at face value. Don’t try to figure out what the writers were trying to say, read and understand what they did say. This is much less confusing and, while not popular with political liberals, much more accurate. Too many things are now considered a “Constitutional Right” that are never addressed in the document.
6. I believe in the “Right to Keep and Bare Arms.”
This is the most essential of the rights in the Bill of Rights. The right to arm ones self for self-protection ensures that the others cannot be taken away. You cannot tell an armed man that he cannot Pray, or speak his mind or anything else for that matter. It was for this reason, to avoid a tyrannical regime in the United States that the founders let us be an armed citizenry, because Tyrants hate armed citizens that can say no, and have the firepower to enforce the saying of “NO.” Blaming guns for violence is like blaming pencils for misspelled words, or spoons for Rosie O’Donnell’s weight.
7. I believe that the Federal Government is only responsible for Five Things.
The Preamble to the Constitution states that the Federal Government is responsible for: Establishment of Justice, Ensuring Domestic Tranquility, Provide for the Common Defense, Promote the General Welfare, and Securing the Blessings of Liberty. That’s it, those five things. Nowhere does it say that the Federal Government is responsible for 99% of the things that the Federal Government does today. However the Constitution DOES say that All Powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution are “Reserved to the Several States.” I think that the people in Texas know how to run Texas better than the people in Washington, and think that the majority of the people in Washington are not really fit to run a Latrine Detail of Army Privates. One only has to look at the situation that we find ourselves in to realize that Barney Frank, who now is running about talking about how it is all the fault of the Republicans that Freddie and Fannie failed, forgetting, as has the mainstream media that; One, Barney Frank was one of the politicians that got the most in campaign contributions from Fannie and Freddie, and Two, not 6 months prior to the housing crash Barney Frank stood up and expounded upon the solvency and success rate of Freddie and Fannie. At worst, Mr. Frank was blatantly lying to the American People, or at best Mr. Frank is an idiot. Most likely, it is a combination of both; he is a lying idiot, which is where my money is.
8. I believe that the World War Two Generation is the Greatest Generation of Americans and at the same time are to blame for the condition of this country right now.
This dichotomy is not contradictory. The generation that fought and won the Second World War and propelled the United States to superpower status, fueled the drive that put a man on the moon and developed the technology that has led to the nearly universal instantaneous transmission of information and communications, and thousands of other advancements and accomplishments, is also responsible for siring and raising a generation of children that at their very core detest everything that their parents are or were. The Children of the Greatest Generation became the Berkley Hippies, the Yippies, the Free Love war protesters. They ran headlong into the embrace of Marxism and Leninism. Today’s virulent Socialist was yesterday’s college student. Today they are the Hillary Clintons and the Barak Obamas that are destroying traditional America. Yes, the Greatest Generation gave us so much to be grateful for, but they also gave us a generation of spoiled brat kids that now run this country from a play book that was developed in the USSR. Had the parents turned them over the knee, stopped paying the tuition to Communist leaning universities, then today our nation might not be led by leftist socialists.
9. I believe that contrary to popular belief, a college degree does not make you smarter than anyone else.
As much as the youth of today may protest it, the fact that they are in college does not mean that they have the wisdom needed to do…anything. Professors get their students all worked up over some topic or cause and releases these half trained activists on the public. These half trained, half educated, half wits go and chain themselves to trees or picket lines in protest of things that they have no idea about. I am genuinely convinced that war protesters really are not motivated by a desire for peace as much as it is a fear that they themselves might possibly have to go or make some type of sacrifice themselves. Bill Clinton was not against the Vietnam War in either thought or principle. Bill Clinton was against the Vietnam War because he was afraid that he might have to go and incidentally Mr. Clinton lied and cheated his way out of being drafted. Is it any wonder the young Mr. Clinton who lied and cheated his way out of going to Vietnam turned into an older Mr. Clinton that sat in front of the entire American Nation, wagged his finger in our faces and then committed perjury? He was raised with no honor and never found his way to having any.
10. I believe that Celebrities should shut up about their causes.
Hollywood actors and actresses should stop “Embracing” causes and getting on TV telling other people how to live. No one, just by virtue of their celebrity is all that wise and knowing. Playing a hero or genius does not make you one; any more than playing a piano makes you a Steinway. As an example, Tom Cruise has embraced Scientology. He honestly believes that the religion started by a science fiction writer, that if you read a list of the beliefs is most closely related to a bad Star Trek episode is the universal truth. Singing at farm aid did not make them farmers, and Martin Sheen playing the president did not make him an expert on foreign affairs. Whether it is political endorsements or trying to get everyone to vacate their position at the top of the Food Chain, Hollywood celebrities love to speak out for causes. All this from people that are in and out of rehab, in and out of divorce court, and in and out of the tabloids. How stupid is the average American to listen to these basket cases as they give advice about everything from what shoe to buy to whom you should vote for in a presidential election? Obviously, very stupid indeed, because Hollywood fell down at the feet of Barak Obama, and too many Americans did too.
05 May 2010
Elections, Voter Fraud, and Good Ol' Left wing Politics
Today is primary election day here in North Carolina. Dutifully my wife and I packed my mother, who is disabled and can not drive, into the car and we went down to the Board of Elections in our county so that we could vote early. While we were there, I noticed something funny; there were voting instructions in Spanish. Why, you may ask did this strike me as odd? Well, the answer is this. ONLY an American Citizen can vote, and in order to become a Naturalized American Citizen, the applicant, with rare exception must take the Naturalization test IN ENGLISH. SO…Given that the test is in English and the person that takes the test can not have a translator present, then one should naturally assume that a US Citizen is literate enough to understand a Citizenship/Naturalization test then logically he or she should be able to understand a simple Voting Ballot, (Although in 2000 thousands of Florida Democrats demonstrated that while they were literate enough to read the ballot they were not intelligent enough to do so.)
Why then are there Voting Instructions in Spanish? Could it possibly be that it is to encourage individuals who are not citizens to go in and vote? The answer to that is a clear as the nose on your face. Could it possibly be, and I am just guessing here, that the same politicians that are opposing the crack down on illegal immigrants also support and have rammed through rulings that force non-English language voting instructions at polling places. Let’s put it right where the rubber meets the road. The Left wing in this nation wants illegal immigrants to vote, because it is felt that they will vote left wing. No matter that they are not allowed to vote by law, no matter that they are here illegally, no matter that they are straining the public service agencies, and they are contributing to a growing unemployment rate. Say whatever you want to, but if there were not literally millions of Illegal’s here, then the jobs that they take now could be done by those now unemployed.
As a nation, we have very rarely had what we have now. This nation is split into two camps, Conservative and Liberal, with the Liberals now, and hopefully not for much longer, in control. The Liberals want huge central government setup along Socialist lines. In opposition to this headlong dive toward a Socialist Utopia, Liberals fail to see that their programs do not work. Social welfare programs do not work. The reason that they do not work is so simple that it eludes those that push for it. You can not, no matter how hard you try, reform people that do not want to reform or change a person that does not want to change. Since Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society,” the left in this nation have found materialization in the Democratic Party. Now nearly a half century since the United States started the largest and most complicated system of socialist programs designed to help those in the lower levels of American Society, those programs have turned out to be incredibly expensive failures. The illegitimate birthrate among those on assistance is at an all time high. Einstein said once that insanity was doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result. The best embodiment of this quite simply is this. Woman #1 has her first child at 15, and because of the things that go along with pregnancy, and bringing up a child, the mother is forced to go on welfare, the woman has 5 more children, with several men, none of which pay her support much less takes responsibility for what he has done. Her Daughter, seeing what her mother has gone through, does not learn from this and has her first, also illegitimate, child at 15, and now knows the system, so off to the Welfare office for her Check. Woman #2, the daughter raises her kid and collects her check for not only for her daughter, Woman #3, but also 4 more children that we the taxpayer are forced to provide for. Now at 14 Woman #3 has a baby….see where this is going. Welfare is now a career for many…too many...and it must be stopped but how?
Generational Welfare is destroying the United States. It also infantilizes those it would claim to help. To illustrate this, picture an infant that the mother never pulls the nipple away from. This prevents the child from having to chew solid foods. The Generational Welfare recipient is that baby that never grows up, and sometimes it takes tough love to make the baby become an adult.
How to End the Welfare State:
1) No one that is on Welfare and does not actually pay into the system should be allowed to vote. If you live on the public Teat, you should not be allowed to elect politicians that will let you continue to live on the public teat.
2) No one should get back more money than they paid into the system on an income tax return. Through Earned Income Credit, it is very true that the welfare recipient can get back several thousand dollars in the form of a tax refund while they actually paid nothing in in the first place.
3) STOP rewarding bad behavior. If a person already on Welfare gets pregnant again while on welfare, there should be no increase in benefits. NONE. No grey area here.
4) Make Welfare recipients DO SOMETHING to earn that money. Empty bedpans at the hospital; pick up trash on the road….anything but sitting at home watching TV and getting more obese. This provision is not for that person that got laid off and is actively seeking a new job; this is for the Generational recipient that has made a living by breeding kids that they can not feed.
5) Find the FATHERS of the children that Welfare is paid on the behalf of and make them do something to support the children that they fathered. It should not be optional. If they still do not make it right, incarcerate them. At least in jail they can father no more children that they take no responsibility for.
Will these measures fix all the problems, obviously not. HOWEVER we as a nation have to put “Political Correctness” aside, call it for what it is and step up to support fixing the system before those of us that input into the system are outnumbered by those that leach off of it.
03 May 2010
Wow...Watch out for lightning bolts and earthquakes
“Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name…”
It is with those words, that the Lord Jesus Christ responded when he was asked the simple question “Teach us to pray.” Even in this morally bankrupt society, most people recognize what has become known as “The Lord’s Prayer.” This title ascribes to Him ownership, or if you prefer authorship of that prayer. Enter the Ebenezer Lutheran Church of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America)(www.herchurch.org). Located in the city that has given us so much in the past half-century to be so very proud of, San Francisco, Ebenezer Lutheran, its pastor Stacy Boorn, and the staff of what they call “Her Church Lutheran” along with their
Rev Stacy Boorn has for more than 22 years been a Lutheran pastor in congregations of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Located in San Francisco, California, Ms. Boorn and her staff teach a feminist gospel that features among other things, spiritual dance, a goddess rosary, statues of ‘The goddess’, openly homosexual pastoral staff members, the revision of The Lord’s Prayer, and the elimination of all reference to the masculine gender of God. |
Feminist congregation has gone so far in their desire to live in a matriarchal society that they have re-written the Lord’s Prayer to eliminate God’s gender. When doing this they eliminate “Our Father, who art in Heaven” replacing it with “Our Mother who is within us”. Further, the next line of the prayer, “Hallowed be Thy name” is replaced with the words “We celebrate your many names.” While I do not plan to go line by line in comparing the real prayer with the counterfeit, I believe that the first two lines give you the idea. Ms. Boorn is preaching about and praying to a goddess. Martin Luther would cringe in his boots, not to mention what God thinks what with that whole First Commandment (Thou shalt have no other Gods before me) thing going. Call me crazy, but since the Lord Jesus authored the prayer, hence the name the Lord’s Prayer, and the fact that He is one with the FATHER, “I and my Father are one.” John 10:30, how can one claim to have the spiritual go-ahead to revise something that is not of their authorship which they have no right or divine authority to change.
Jesus Christ and the Father are one, as stated above. This should be basis enough to prove that God is not gender neutral much less female. In the very first part of the Gospel of John, Jesus, referred to as The Word, is identified AS GOD. No grey area there and not a goddess anywhere to be found. When Jesus was a baby, He was circumcised, yet another indicator that there is no gender neutrality or female divinity present. When Jesus came up out of the water, a dove descended from Heaven and lighted upon Him. This was followed by a voice from Heaven, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” No doubt had this been a female voice, the scripture would say so. During creation, God said “Let us make MAN in our image and after our likeness.” Just a few verses later, God caused Adam to fall asleep and took a rib from Adam’s body and made a person that Adam called a Woman. Adam, made in the likeness of God was a man. Woman was made from man (Genesis 2:21-24) and was commanded to “Be in submission to her own husband, AS UNTO THE LORD” (Eph 5:22-24, Col 3:18). This command is followed by the more difficult, Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church. It is my contention that IF a husband will love his wife to the extent that is in the Bible, that the wife will gladly submit, and that the children, who are commanded to obey your parents, will gladly obey. The command here is to the Husbands and upon them is the responsibility of the family placed. No one that truly loves as Christ did could ever do anything to hurt his wife. Is the Bible patriarchal? You bet it is. But then, so is God.